Home Forums Basel support forum Base Header login/register button disappeared Reply To: Base Header login/register button disappeared



Thanks for the reply.

Is there anyway to insert it via shortcode or filter?

I found this following filter somewhere

add_filter( 'basel_header_configuration', 'basel_custom_header_configuration', 1, 1 ); 

function basel_custom_header_configuration() { 
  return array( 'container' => array( 'wrapp-header' => array( 'logo', 'main_nav', 'right-column' => array( 'header_links', 'search', 'wishlist', 'cart', 'mobile_icon', ) ) ), 

Where can I find the code for the header design?
maybe I can tweak some code to include the login/register function to the ‘Base Header’
I see the sidebar code still exist and it would be a waste if I don’t utilize it in my site.

