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You have created 3 changing slides. And your site has only one slider: https://gyazo.com/439e59efbca6bf6cea4673f7d523b797

Please create 3 sliders in the Dashboard > Sides > Slider as shown: https://gyazo.com/303ee61c4198d65d9a7864e8e4932645 Here is the instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/how-to-create-a-slider/

Then created slides to each slider and https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/add-slides-slider/

As the result, you need to see three different sliders here https://gyazo.com/439e59efbca6bf6cea4673f7d523b797 and then you chose the appropriate one for each language.

Best Regards