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Instagram dont show images

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    Please i have a connected Instagram, yesterday its work and today no.
    Dont show images.

    I send login.


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    Sorry to say but right now as we are seeing the Instagram Feed is appearing fine on your Site.

    It is just that some of the Images aren’t loading from their original source, otherwise others are appearing fine: https://snipboard.io/ApPyjL.jpg

    So, you just need to check those Images.

    Best Regards



    Hi. But that images is on Ínstagram ok!!!

    But why page dont download images?



    Sorry to say but as far as we are seeing the Console on your Site, there are Server End errors being generated: https://snipboard.io/T9s0NG.jpg

    So, please once ask your Hosting Provider in this regard, they can guide you better.
    It seems that the Images aren’t getting loaded from the Server end on your Site.

    Best Regards



    So. My Hosting provider get me a backup version from 3.4. and now its workin..

    But the problem arose somewhere on WordPress. we’ll see next.

    Thanks for now


    Most Welcome!!!.

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    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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