Home Forums Basel support forum Price Filter Ranges Reply To: Price Filter Ranges


Artem Temos


1. It is strange that price filters doesn’t work. We tried to roll back our changes but it doesn’t help. So firstly you have to check what is it caused by. Try to disable your plugins one by one and check. Also try default price range filter with a standard woocommerce theme. We need to know is it our theme related issue or maybe just because of some wrong code snippet or external plugin.

2. All theme strings translations you may find in our theme pot file in the languages folder. Read more about wordpress themes translation here

3. Unfortunately there is no way to change woocommerce’s breadcrumbs structure in our theme.

4. This may be achieved only through the code customization of the woocommerce template files. We don’t have any instructions prepared for such case.

5. There are a lot useful plugins related to your request, but we are not able to suggest you any of them, it may depends on your needs what plugin it would be better to use 🙂