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Sorry… Concerning #2. The TYPOGRAPHY doesn’t work at all. In order to change the font, we have to add the following to the Custom CSS:

h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .title, table th, .wc-tabs li a, .masonry-filter li a, .woocommerce .cart-empty, .basel-navigation .menu > li.menu-item-design-full-width .sub-menu > li > a, .basel-navigation .menu > li.menu-item-design-sized .sub-menu > li > a, .mega-menu-list > li > a, fieldset legend, table th, .basel-empty-compare, .compare-field, .compare-value:before, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h1, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h2, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h3, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h4, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h5, .color-scheme-dark .info-box-inner h6 {
font-family: Titillium Web, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;