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Bogdan Donovan


1. Wide ang full width.
WPBakery full width rows and Gutenberg full width section designed in different ways.

WPBakery uses JS script to calculate viewport width and stretch content with “width” parameter, ignoring all adjacent content. Following JS also recalculate row width, then screen resolution is changed.

Gutenbeg didn’t use any JS and provide only CSS class which indicated the state of the current section. Without JS script, width of sidebar can’t be calculated on all possible device screen width without side displacements and overlapping of main content. Any other methods using “floated” sidebars can’t be done in complex WordPress themes that uses Bootstrap 4 without braking site layout.

In that case, Gutenberg wide and full width options working only if there is no sidebar on page. (please, check the video https://gyazo.com/db784187dffbc592ad57f01a05cb2d3b). You can see similar behavior with default WordPress themes. For example, Twenty Twenty-One: didn’t have sidebar – wide and full width is working. Storefront: have sidebar – wide and full width isn’t working.

2. Oversized select element in Gutenberg editor.
This issue will be fixed in the next theme update.

3. Position of Woodmart metaboxes.
Woodmart post-type metaboxes area have complex structure that can contain wide variety of options tools including sliders, tabs, button-switches, color-picker, image and image gallery picker. Alongside with Gutenberg, it also masts support other Page Builders like WPBakery and Elementor. In that case, to save it flexibility and versatility, it location need to have enough space for all it options.

4. Metaboxes overlaps page content.
We have checked the following issue and didn’t fount it. Check the video. (https://gyazo.com/84a5d34d3ac685081ce9d3e90b740194). Please, record the video or provide us with steps how to reproduce it.

Kind Regards