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Add login/register

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  • #167486


    Hi there,

    The login/register field disappeared form the header. It’s active in the theme options and I don’t now why it isn’t showing the ‘login / register’ next to the cart icon anymore while it’s showing in the mobile menu. Could you please help me with it?

    Once fixed, is there a way to replace the writing ‘login / register’ with an icon similar to this one https://cdn5.vectorstock.com/i/1000×1000/04/09/user-icon-vector-5770409.jpg
    I’ve attached an image edited in photoshop for you to understand what result I’m trying to get.

    Thank you.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    You could change the Header layout and not all the layouts have the My Account element. https://prnt.sc/qmd8qm

    You can add it manually placing the following code snippet to the functions.php file in the child theme.

    add_filter( 'basel_header_configuration', 'basel_custom_header_configuration', 1, 1 );
    function basel_custom_header_configuration() {
    	return array(
    		'container' => array(
    			'wrapp-header' => array(
    				'right-column' => array(
    		'navigation-wrap' => array(
    			'container' => array(

    You can set text or icon in the Theme Settings > Header > My account links

    Best Regards



    Hi there, I’ve managed to add it in my current header editing the code provided. I’ve attached the code below.

    The problem is that the sticky header now is not showing the ‘login/register’ label. Could you please help? Thanks

    add_filter( ‘basel_header_configuration’, ‘basel_custom_header_configuration’, 1, 1 );

    function basel_custom_header_configuration() {

    return array(
    ‘container’ => array(
    ‘wrapp-header’ => array(
    ‘right-column’ => array(
    ‘navigation-wrap’ => array(
    ‘container’ => array(




    Please clean the cache browser and check again I see the log in/register on the sticky header.

    Best Regards

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