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Responsive breakpoint

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  • #107087


    Hi, is it possible to change the responsive breakpoint for notebook view so that it breaks to tablet view at 1280×800 pixel



    There is no possibility to change the breakpoint, unfortunately.

    Best Regards



    Ok, the problem is the category menu that covers the slider. How can I change the category drop down menu to mobile menu at 1280×800 pixel then.



    There is no option. You can configure the Category menu to open on hover and it would not overlay the slider. Enter the page and find the option Open categories menu – Always shows categories navigation on this page; https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/options-for-pages/

    Best Regards



    Ok thanks. I have also an issue with the category grid. Can it be changed to 3 column grid.



    Yes, Product category element has this option http://prntscr.com/ml16b1

    Best Regards



    where do I find this setting



    Here is the instruction https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/shortcodes-2/

    If you have not used WP Bakery page builder before here are video tutorials https://wpbakery.com/video-tutorials/

    Best Regards



    Ok thanks. I have one more question. Is it possible on mobile view to show product info on list view at shop page.



    Unfortunately, there is no option to set the grid on the desktop and list on mobile.

    Best Regards



    @Artem Temos

    On your CSS Generator why can’t you have an option to set Responsive Breakpoint?

    Let me explain.

    To generate the custom style.css one must go to Woodmart > Css Generator check or uncheck the options you want and hit generate the file.

    This file is generated by sending a base64 encoded text with the options you selected to your server and your server generates a style-1550236696.css in our example.

    Inside this file there are the media queries that tell the browser where to show mobile header and desktop.

    The current breakpoint from desktop to tablet is 1024px.

    If you edit directly this file in our example is: style-1550236696.css and replace all values of 1024px to the values you want to set the mobile header. For example 1600px and finally replace the desktop breakpoint that is 1025px to 1601px, then on your browser if the width of the windows is 1600px and bellow the mobile header is active. If the window is 1601px and above the desktop header is enabled.

    So i’m asking is this difficult to implement an option to css generator to define for example:

    Breakpoint > 1280px

    And then the generated file that is generated from your server to replace 1024px to 1280px and 1025px to 1281px?

    Thank you.

    P.S.: I have edit the generated file myself by replacing these values and everything is working.


    Artem Temos

    Except generated CSS file, breakpoints values also exist in WPBakery styles and scripts as well as in our JS files conditions so it is not an as easy task as you may think.

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