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My account page and products have been deleted

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  • #111874


    Some one has deleted pages my account and products to my site. How I can restore or replace?

    Please help 🙁



    We did not enter your site and did not delete anything. We do not have any sites backups that is why we cannot help you in your site restoration. Please contact your host provider, perhaps there is an automatic backup and they can help.

    Best Regards



    I know you did not change anything on my site, it was someone from my team … 🙁
    In fact the pages had not yet been used, they were in the original format. I would like to know how I can get another file my-account.php and products.php to reset on my site.



    Please note: none of our team visited your admin area. We inform upon our intent to enter admin area and our team is highly qualified to correct the problems not damaging other pages code or content.

    Please follow the instructions on how to create and configure the pages you need https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-pages/

    Best Regards

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