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Ajax Filter Delay

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  • #117846


    Similar to this: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/delay-by-filter/

    In our shop page, we have ajax filter for the products. It is taking time. We have tried your solution: add_filter( ‘woodmart_pjax_timeout’, function(){ return 10000; } ); to increase the ajax timeout up to some more second. But still it is reloading the page to show filter products.
    We have already done the speed optimization and used the cache plugin and also checked with other plugin for if it is conflicting.

    Can you please try with our login credentials.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme so we can check it? We see that your website is very slow at the moment and it takes even more than 10seconds to load.

    Thank you in advance



    Hi, thanks for your instant response. The page as such is not slow, see screenshot of 2 mins ago before disabling plugins. Just the shop page is for some reason. Disabling all other plugins has not brought much help for it. We have disabled now, currently installed see attached screenshot.

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    Artem Temos

    We can’t even open the second page and get 500 Internal Server Error. Could you please switch to default WordPress theme and compare the loading time?



    with standard Twenty Nineteen theme in 1,4 sed
    with woodmart in 11 sec

    see screenshots, same only required woodmart plugins installed.

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    Artem Temos

    1. Be sure that you have deactivated all the external plugins while checking and don’t have child theme.

    2. Update the theme and all the included plugins to the latest versions.

    3. Disable swatches attribute to be displayed on the shop page in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Attribute swatches.

    4. Go to Appearance -> Customize -> WooCommerce -> Product images, decrease images size for both single and catalog page and save to regenerate all thumbnails.

    5. Keep plugins deactivated and send us the admin access so we can check it as well.

    Kind Regards



    I think it is working now, your listing no. 4 was key to success. Thank you for your support! Images in WooCommerce were way too big. After regenerating thumbnails it works perfectly, even without any additional caching plugin. 🙂 Once again, thanks for the hint!


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!

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