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Weird Text on Slider

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  • #118844


    hey team, i have made a bit of a silly .

    Somehow i have inputed some text, which you can see is sitting on the blue slider…

    Do you have any idea, how i may of added it there?
    I cant work out how to get rid of it.

    Please help

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    First of all, enter the editing mode of the page and see if it is the Slider Revolution displayed. Check which one is used as shown here: http://prntscr.com/isshej

    Then find this slider in the Slider Revolution plugin as shown: http://prntscr.com/issi0h

    Enter the slide and check the layer.

    If it is not a slider just remove the element in the row.

    Best Regards



    i dont see it on the slider, i have added extra slides but it shows up on all of them.

    “If it is not a slider just remove the element in the row.”

    how do you do this/what do you mean ?



    also how do you change the slides for the slider ?

    can you do it without entering the WPbakery edit page mode ?



    Please refer the Slider Revolution documentation to understand how to use it https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/slider-revolution-documentation/

    Here is the video tutorials for WP Bakery page builder to understand how to add and configure the elements: https://wpbakery.com/video-tutorials/

    Best Regards



    c’mon guys! i literally just asked you if there was a way you can do it without WP Bakery

    and in response you sent a link to WP Bakery video tutorials ….

    really ?

    even slider question, instead of providing any instructions , just sent me somewhere else. that link doesn’t help very much either, its super text heavy and no idea where im looking.

    I literally had to pay $5o to get this support, was nearly as much as the theme its self. you think you guys could put in a little effort with us



    Our support covers issues related to our theme. Slider Revolution and WP Bakery page builder guidance are not covered by our support, nevertheless, I have provided step by step instruction what to do and how in #118873

    Please refer the documentation to find out how to add/edit a slide, how to set the configuration you need and others.

    Best Regards

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