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How to Link Product Category Page in list Items

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  • #123380

    [email protected]

    In the Menu section under the Appearance tab I am able to select Product Categories as elements of the menu. Any changes done to my category titles are updated automatically.
    If I do my menu drop down in HTML block though and use Extra List Items I cannot link to the Product Category page.There is no such page type int he “link to existing page” section. I am obligated to write the URL myself.
    This is a problem for me when I change the domain of my site or when I change the category names. Same thing applies to other blocks like promo banners, etc. Is there a way of linking category pages directly?
    Thank you,


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but our extra menu list is working differently and there are no such options as you have for the WordPress menu. The only solution would be to create the menu without extra menu lists.

    Kind Regards

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