Home Forums WoodMart support forum Update to latest version and now I get this alert – how do I clear this?

Update to latest version and now I get this alert – how do I clear this?

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  • #123528


    You just installed the latest version of the WoodMart theme. To finish the installation and enable all theme’s function or if you see any problems with your WPBakery elements displayed as shortcodes you need to install the latest version of theWoodMart Core Plugin too. Go to Appearance -> Install plugins and click on “Install” or “Update” button.

    I did update Woodmart Core. Still getting the message.



    Please clean your browser cache, there are no messages now https://gyazo.com/fdea370074bf0cccdd9f7d88f1a7072e

    Best Regards



    Thanks. It’s resolved now.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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