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Price Filter Issues

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  • #124078


    We are having issues with the price filter in the Shop page and the compare link in individual product pages after the latest them update.

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    Please provide your site admin access for checking.

    If you updated theme via Themes > Upload > Install > Widgets could be reset.

    Best Regards



    Here’s the info you requested



    Please update the Woocommerce database http://prntscr.com/npp8on

    Best Regards



    Thank you but compare on hover still default green plus arrows in drop down on filter still doesn’t appear. Any suggestions?

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    I have deactivated the plugins not related to the theme and filter is displayed.

    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global to change the color of the Copare on hover:

    body .summary-inner > .woodmart-compare-btn a:hover{

    Set your color.

    Best Regards



    Arrow icon for filter dropdown selection is not visible.

    Attached you will find an image showing the discrepancy between two filter boxes. One displays the arrow for dropdown selection and the other one doesn’t.

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    The code provided does not influence the dropdown in the filters. I have commented the code and arrows have not appeared.

    This filter has configured for multiple selections and in this case, no arrows are provided https://gyazo.com/508891323b3083eeacca9e8f640e7243

    As soon as you check, remove the comment from the CSS for the Compare button

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your response regarding the arrow for the filters. However, we also had a question regarding the functionality of your Product Filter element. It seems that that element doesn’t work exactly the same way as the filtering system in the sidebar.



    These filters are not connected to each other and it is not possible to hide the not-relevant attributes in the filtering results.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Hope this finds you well.

    Curious how you were able to show other on shop page but not have it displayed in categories?

    I have brands as default so it doesn’t show but not sure if it’s the same way you have done.

    Also, seems to be somewhat of a bug in the price filter when displayed as it doesn’t show price range.

    Having this issue on our site as well. See private area.



    Our demo has been customizing to combine different settings which can exist on the same site and at the same time.

    By defaut your shop page has the price sorting from high to low, I have changed and it shows from low to high. http://prntscr.com/o9n2is

    As for the price filter, I have switched to the parent theme and everything works correctly. Please check.

    Best Regards



    Hi there,

    Thank you but still issues

    See private area.

    Also, try and change the default to low to high and does not work.



    Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand if our theme causes the problem.

    Try to install and activate the Storefront theme and check.

    Best Regards



    Hi there,

    Did you log in and change anything as it seems some things have changed?




    I have logged in and installed Storefront theme for you to test. I switched the parent and child theme.

    Best Regards



    Hi there,

    I think I found the problem.

    Have to update all the product in quick edit without any changes and seems to have fixed the problem. Very odd but somehow it works.

    Any suggestions or can provide the solution for how you did other category for my brands category? Just don’t want to show all the subcategories in header. I know you gave us a fix but it did not function properly.

    Thanks for your help….much appreciated.



    Your question is not clear enough. Do you mean categories in the shop title?

    Best Regards

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