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Feature requests (fixes)

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  • #127740



    I have now been using Woodmart for a while and noticed that category descriptions or most important, the brand description added to the brand attributes show up in the single product brand tab without paragraphs so all text is messed up into one single line of text. This could easily be fixed with the correct use of ie. wpautop or similar.

    I know that we can use html blocks to display the brand tab content perfectly fine but that is an impossible job with hundreds or maybe thousands of brand descriptions.

    Also in product editor there is available 1 custom tab. This custom tab use a simple textbox/textarea which does not accept ie. video inputs. Instructional videoes are important with many types of ecommerce sites so i really hope that you can fix that custom tab to accept the use of ie. youtube videos. Also for this i know that html blocks can be used but again impossible on sites with thousands of products.

    I hope these 2 “issues” can be fixed asap 🙂



    Artem Temos


    It is how the WooCommerce works with categories description. We will check what we can do with the brand one.

    We will check the custom tab functionality too in the future.


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