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Add HTML/Shortcodes below the product image

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    I would really appreciate if you add another option in your theme or a practical solution which let us to add more info under the product image.

    Because when we add lots of info including short description, Countdown code in addition to the product variables we would have so much empty/white space below the image.

    If this would be possible to add some info under the image (per product) then it will make the product page way nicer.

    Thank you



    We shall consider your request, however, we do not promise to implement in the nearest updates. Please consider the option to insert product information in the additional tab provided in each product, also extra blocks, you will find more information here https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-page-options/#local_settings

    It would allow making your short description shorter.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your reply,

    But unfortunately many information can not be added in extra blocks or tabs, info such as delivery method, VAT excluded messages and so on which makes the site a little long hence, we would have lots of free space under the image.

    And as a SEO recommendation, it would be great if the content loads first then the image (main product image).

    thank you for your great WC theme



    Unfortunately, for now, it is not possible to provide any space under the image.

    Best Regards

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