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Website speed is too much slow

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  • #132033


    After installing the demo content and then customizing the home page of my website, when I tested it on GTmetrix, the speed was too much slow. The full load time was more than 5.9 seconds.To improve speed I am using Wp-Optimize and additionally when I used the Autoptimize plugin, the speed becomes good to 2.1 seconds, but as a result of this plugin, the slider revolution became vanished… So kindly suggest me how can I improve my speed??
    Please also tell that, whether the demo content that includes so many pages and images in the gallery is making my site slow?
    I am sharing the credentials of the website in the private section.


    Artem Temos


    In general, our theme is already optimized and don’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images or other resources. So we suggest you to remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like Better WordPress Minify and a caching plugin like WP Super Cache or use WP Rocket for both tasks. Also, you can use GTmetrix tool to see what makes your website slow and optimize these parts of your website. You need to check each point and see recommendations on how to optimize them. Be sure that you have configured gzip and cache on the server and use some kind of CDN service.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Wow, 2.1 seconds is impressive for WooCommerce site especially if you don’t use any caching, can you please share how you reached this result and your GTmetrix results?
    Most probably Slider Revolution vanished because JQuery JavaScript library is deferred, try adding it to excluded scripts list.

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