Home Forums WoodMart support forum Add HTML Block to Product Category Pages, After the Product Display.

Add HTML Block to Product Category Pages, After the Product Display.

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  • #132967


    Hi Team,

    I need to add content ( HTML BLock) to Category Pages after the products are displayed.

    When added HTML Block Shortcode to the Description section in Category Page, it is showing it above the product display.

    Is there any way to add HTML Block after listing of products?




    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Yes, there is the option in the Theme Settings > Shop > Category description position > After product grid http://prntscr.com/ofvd92

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your quick reply. Appreciate it.

    Can’t we add HTML Blocks in both places?
    One HTML Block Above Content that will mainly contain a Banner and Tab. And One HTML Block after the product grid?



    Unfortunately, it is not possible to add two Descriptions to the category page.

    Best Regards

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