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Mobile View FAQ Element not working proper

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  • #135004



    in the mobile view (smartphone) the faq element is only reacting after reloading.
    Then it works, but if you visit the category the first time the FAQ Area won´t open, its stuck.

    Thx for help

    Best Regards



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide page URL with the problem

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    All Plugins not theme related deactivated, switched to parent theme, issue remains.

    Best Regards



    the link is updated.

    Best Regards



    I am checking the element both on the emulator and on a real device it works https://gyazo.com/4804104834051b734615de4af6e9207d

    On the mobile, it opens not smoothly but it works, you have not deactivated all the plugins not related to the theme, deactivate and check again

    Best Regards



    i have deactivated everything (plugins, child theme, every custom css that i had, caching everything)
    but put it on again because im testing something else.

    It´s not an childtheme related issue nor a plugin issue. It didnt help.

    1. Its not working when you make the chrome,firefox, edge browser smaller to get the responsive design.
    2. Its not working on chrome android and the samsung browser.

    It works and you can click only on the faq button, when you reload the page,
    is it an bug in wp bakery?

    Thx for help Elise
    Best Regards




    1. It happens when you insert html blocks into the category description
    2. It happens with:
    a) FAQ Element
    b) Popup element also
    c) didnt test more
    I think this is a bug it has something to do with html blocks

    If you insert the bakery code into the category description its working but for example without underline colors.

    Best Regards



    If you insert the bakery code into the category description its working but for example without underline colors.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom JS > On the document ready:

    jQuery(document).on('pjax:complete', function (xhr, textStatus, options) {
        if (jQuery.isFunction(window.vc_toggleBehaviour)) {

    Best Regards




    you are the best! Problem solved thank you veeeeeery much.

    Buy Woodmart from XTEMOS, the best theme support on planet.

    Best regards


    You are welcome, we are always happy to help you, write to us when you have any difficulties or issues with our theme.

    And we would be glad if you will rate our theme with 5 stars on Theme Forest in case you are satisfied with our theme and customer service http://themeforest.net/downloads

    Thank you in advance

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