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Problem With Mobile Categories

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  • #140208


    I am using your Woodmart theme for my Dokan marketplace & I am creating the categories now
    for my site using the wpbakery and I see my changes being made on the desktop version, but its not made menufor the mobile categories, nothing is changing?
    So I’m assuming I have to make another menu of my categories for the mobile, I cant seem to find where to edit the existing mobile categories in your theme that came with the theme?
    For example for the desktop version I put Collectibles as a category with a bunch of subcategories & from my mobile phone, when I click on collectibles, it just goes to one page called cooking!!!!
    Well all the mobile categories are messed up, please tell me where to edit these categories for mobile in your theme?
    Thanks for your help in advance!



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    The mobile menu is created and assigned in Appearance > Menu > Select menu and displayed by means of Mobile menu element in the Header Builder in the Mobile view. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/header-responsive-settings/

    Mobile menu element has the option to show Category menu, which is created in Appearance > Menu. So you create your category menu in Appearance > Menu and then display by means of Mobile menu in the header builder.

    Browse Category menu is also the element of the Header builder which displays the menu created in Appearance > Menu.

    Best Regards

    Best Regards



    I sent you a private reply with my login info if you can look at it, cause I did what you said, still a problem. If you can fix please.


    Bogdan Donovan


    We can’t login to your site, please check the login credentials.




    It works fine for me! Please Try it again, maybe you are not copying and pasting correctly?


    Bogdan Donovan

    To create proper mobile menu categories with subcategories you should:

    1. Create a separate menu via WordPress default menu editor https://prnt.sc/oxox3f
    2. Chose desired categories and add them to menu http://prntscr.com/oxoz86
    3. Set categories nesting https://gyazo.com/448a0a06a85a56fd27efd4e871731bd4 and press save menu
    4. Go to your header mobile menu element http://prntscr.com/oxp0l2
    5. Set your mobile categories menu in mobile header and save changes http://prntscr.com/oxp10h

    If you added a correct category menu item to the created menu in 2. links to categories will be correct




    Thanks for your response, it is very detailed & clear, hopefully I can do what your instructions say!



    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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