Hi i realize those days that something is going wrong with quick view products, before update to 4.0.4 i remember there was not any issue but yesterday i saw this, the wishlist button appear on quick view just like simple line of text (as i remember there was not any wishlist button on popup quick view) also i realize that there is a big white space below of product image (the image is 2000x2000px) its use the thumbnail version i think, correct me if im wrong. please check the screenshots for more details, thank you in advance
ok thank you for quick response, so it will be fixed in the next updates? so i can wait for an update or should i remove the code?
also you not answered me about that white space below image, this is happen on certain image not on all, also all the product images are squared the minimum pixels are 600×600 and on some other products we have also a 2000x2000px. please check the 2 screenshots on the first message, thank you