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Widget filters in many categories

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  • #141509


    I have a lot of categories (about 50), each category has own filter set – 5 different filters. So, if use “Shop page Wiget Area” with “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav” I will have 50*5=250 lines of filters. They are unnamed and it is not possible to make changes there.
    A good option will be to create 50 Sidebars, but unfortunately there is no option to assign sidebar for category.
    How can I organize work with filters of my categories?
    Thanks for answer.



    You can add Woodmart Woocommerce layered nav widget it is attributed filter and there is the option to set categories where it will be presented.

    Best Regards



    Using “WOODMART WooCommerce Layered Nav” I have no structure of filters, how to find necessary filter and change it among 250 lines? https://prnt.sc/p0byqa



    You will have to enter each widget and check. There are no other options.

    Best Regards

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