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Woocommerce show title images

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  • #141738


    I have a problem with my images captions from woocommerce products. Right now I see I can add it only in description, but all my previews products have it in the title. Can you help me to add under zoomed picture the title caption.

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    Artem Temos


    Each image has a caption field while you edit it in Dashboard -> Media https://gyazo.com/f700e81b8baaaed677e0dcb515943ad0
    And that is a correct one to be shown there and not title or description.

    Kind Regards



    yes i know this is the right choice but for me it’s ok:(, I need title field because i have 30.000 images with title only, it’s almost impossible for me to move text from title to caption, that’s why i need to help me with this “improvisation” 🙁 . Please help me how to change caption with title in php, i will do the css. Thank you.


    Artem Temos

    You need to disable JS minification and combine in Theme Settings -> Performance and edit woodmart/js/functions.js file. Replace this line http://prntscr.com/p14kav

    caption = $(this).data('caption');

    with this one

    caption = $(this).attr('title');



    You saved me! This is what i want! 1000 thanks! 5 stars.


    Artem Temos

    Thank you!

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