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Lazy load not works on "Load more products"

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  • #142067


    Hello, I have trouble with lazy loading functional. Then I press on “Load more products”, it does not work.
    I record little video with the situation, please, check it out.



    When you press “Load more” it loads and more products appear. This is the way it works. How do you expect it should work?

    Best Regards



    I talking about images “lazy load”, did you see, what it loads not “Lazy”?)


    Artem Temos

    Products loaded when you click on “Load more products” are already loaded with AJAX and are initially in the screen. There is no need to init loading images after products are loaded. It will not have any boost in performance and probably may slow it down.



    Ok, but how you can see on the video, images loading slowly and “row by row”, it seems that they weigh 2 megabytes, although in fact only 250 kilobytes.


    Eric Watson


    After downloading the products, images are downloaded in the standard way of the browser. Image download speed depends on both your server and your Internet. And as we see your pictures take about 1mb https://prnt.sc/p2prk5.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio

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