after the last update this code appears below the footer of each page.
let iframe = document.querySelector('iframe'); let player = new Vimeo.Player(iframe); let playing = false; let simulationTime = 0; player.on('play', function(e) { playing = true; }); player.on('pause', function(e) { playing = false; }); /** * Event fired when user want to fast forward */ player.on('seeked', function(e) { if (e.seconds > simulationTime) { player.setCurrentTime(simulationTime).then(function(seconds) { }).catch(function(error) { switch (error.name) { case 'RangeError': // The time is less than 0 or greater than the video's duration break; default: // Some other error occurred break; } }); } else { simulationTime = data.seconds; } }); /** * Keep time going */ window.setInterval(function() { if (playing) { simulationTime++; } }, 1000);
I disabled all plugins and themes and reactivated one by one. The problem is related to Woodmart, because when you enable “Twenty Nineteen” theme, the code disappears.
Thank you