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Footer – margib bottom

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  • #143018

    Stanley Black


    How to remove margin bottom in footer?

    Kind regards

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    To remove the margin from the bottom of your footer. You need to go to Theme Settings >> Footer >> PREFOOTER AREA >> HTML before footer. Then note down the html block id which is “252” in your case [html_block id="252"].
    Screenshot: https://screenshot.net/w1dnpfp

    Then click HTML Blocks >> All Items from your dashboard and got to the page#2 you fill find that html block. Edit that specific block by clicking on “Edit” option:

    Now edit the very first row by clicking on the pencil icon and go to the second tab ” Design Options” and set bottom margin to -40px and hit save button. This will surely resolve your issue.
    Screenshot: https://screenshot.net/7eyomb5

    Best Regards.

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