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Additional information (attributes) format

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  • #145806


    Hi. Your theme has a nice feature to show additional information (attributes and their values table) not in tab but before add to cart button. Can you please tell me what’s the function name and how can I:
    1) change format to:
    ◆ <attribute1>: <attribute value>
    ◆ <attribute2>: <attribute value>
    starting with symbol, “:” after attribute name, attribute value shown right after attribute name, no deviders between lines
    2) rearrange attributes positions
    3) filter attributes conditionally – do not show certain attribute if it has more than one value


    Artem Temos


    This table is generated by WooCommerce code and its template and we don’t have an instruction on how to customize that part. As for the order of the attributes, you can try to change it in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes.

    Kind Regards



    1) OK, can you please at least tell what’s your function name for “Show attributes table after short description” option. Where I can find it’s code and how I can modify it.
    2) Maybe it is possible to disable completely “additional information” and use custom function to display attributes?


    Artem Temos

    1. The function that displays the table is located in the file woodmart/inc/integrations/woocommerce/functions.php and called woodmart_display_product_attributes.

    2. You can try to disable our theme’s option and then turn off this tab in WooCommerce.



    As for the order of the attributes, you can try to change it in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes.

    And how I can affect position of attributes not listed there – dimensions and weight?


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but you can’t change them without additional WooCommerce customization.

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