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My account in Mobile Menu

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  • #146889


    the menu in Mobile is fine however its missing my account and wishlist
    and want to add compare as well WPML languge siticher and currency swithcer.
    How can Add thus elements



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    Best Regards



    I have disabled the plugins, I have kept the nesscessy plugins only…
    still the my account..etc didn’t show up in mobile menu …



    Select and set the menu for mobile as shown on the screen: http://prntscr.com/pbrol2

    Best Regards




    1. I have map the menu to mobile,
    it shows the wishlist and compare but the accounts did not show up.
    after multiple test I have found out the issue, it’s not showing up for ios/Apple device
    but If I switched to Pixel 2 xl the accounts showing up.
    so it’s either that am missing certain configuration or that is a bug.
    “you can visit my site, enable chrome device and test to different devices”

    2. I want to add WPML language switcher to the mobile menu “already I have map WPML language switcher to a menu, working fine in desktop”, how can I add the language switcher to mobile menu
    same for currency switcher in mobile menu.

    3. in theme settings-> login/register -> Registration title, I want translate it using WPML, am searching for Register, I didn’t find it there same for Registration text, I want to translate it, I didn’t find it

    4. Button “Return the shop” redirect to shop page, I want it to be redirect to home page,how can I reset the button.



    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings.

    .browser-Safari .menu-item-register {
        visibility: visible; }
    .browser-Safari .menu-item-register.sub-menu-dropdown {
        visibility: hidden; }

    This issue will also be fixed in the next theme update.

    2. If you have a different menu as main and mobile, you need to create one more language switcher in WPML and assign it to the mobile menu.

    3. Navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_woodmart_option from the dropdown and find the string https://prnt.sc/pc3g9h

    4. You will have to find a plugin or customize Woocommerce, this is Woocommerce functionality and our theme does not have an option for that.

    Best Regards



    but in third point I have notice the different in number of strings, like you have 14 where I do have 9, then tried to translate wishlist message I couldn’t I did not find the strings.

    another bug is in mobile menu as well,
    in RTL, when you click on hamburger menu the list populated from left where it should be right, if I have change the direction in header builder to right, then in LTR the hamburger menu populated from right where it should be left.
    so in RTL the default should right instead of left.

    And seems the whatsapp in sharing isn’t working, when I click on whatsapp to share am getting error in mobile



    In header I have place a html block has with text with translation, however the message dose not seems got translated, although I have translate the message.



    Which Wishlist string do you mean? You told about Registration test and it is clearly shown on your screen.

    Menu RTL: make sure you have enabled RTL in the Woodmart > CSS Generator.

    Whatsup share button works with an application installed only.

    Here is the instruction on how to translate Header https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/translate-header-wpml/

    Best Regards



    1. I have include images for the wishlist I meant

    2. I have set it to RTL, yet same issue, u can visit my site to confirm, the menu side not coming correctly. In RTL “because I have set the direction in Header Builder to right” fine however in LTR is wrong.

    3. please open my site in your mobile and select on of the products and choose whatsapp, I’ll get error ‘Couldn’t open the link’, the rest of share options working fine.

    4. already I had translate the header, the translation not reflected.

    Somehow the translation in HTML Block not reflecting in the English version, Even in category menu, I have translate the one of the option is not reflecting.



    After I have enabled Woodmart > CSS Generator -> RTL Languge , the English version displayed totally wrong the categories menu going for right where it should be left and ADDITIONAL INFORMATION in product page also displayed wrong.
    If I disabled RTL Languge option the Arabic version got corrupted with same issue of English version..
    Before touching that option both of Arabic and English displayed correctly, now its not.
    I believe by enabling this option I run in new problem that I didn’t need it.



    for CSS Generator issue, I have to delete the generated css the site back to function normally



    I am checking the site and see that everything is working correctly now https://gyazo.com/13d29a2f27a351fcbaf8fc8663a24db7

    Please specify the problem if any.

    Best Regards



    The issue The hamburger menu in English version, it’s coming from right,
    Please read my reply again, I have describe the problem detailed.




    You have two different headers for each language separately. Enter the mobile menu element of the header you need and set the “Position of the mobile menu sidebar”.

    Best Regards



    In header builder I can see only one header which already translated sting translation in WPML, so am not understand your prompt.

    And u haven’t answered below points

    Please before answer , read my reply because each time you missing part.

    Thanks and appreciate



    Here is the instruction on how to translate the header in WPML https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/translate-header-wpml/

    You should have two headers for each language: one header for English and one for Arabic.

    Please navigate to Woodmart > Header builder http://prntscr.com/iyd2pe

    Choose the proper header type (your current) http://prntscr.com/iyd333

    Switch to the mobile view http://prntscr.com/iyd3v3

    Find the Mobile menu element, open the settings and find the option “Position of the mobile menu sidebar” set as per your needs.

    Best Regards



    Okay, that’s clear.

    thus two issue left unresolved

    1. I have include images for the wishlist I meant

    2. please open my site in your mobile and select on of the products and choose whatsapp, I’ll get error ‘Couldn’t open the link’, the rest of share options working fine.



    Sharing WhatsApp works http://prntscr.com/pcsxs9 Check the settings in Whatsup.

    As for the Wishlist:

    Find this file: woodmart/wpml-config.xml

    And add the line <key name="wishlist_empty_text" /> as shown: http://prntscr.com/pcuq2x

    Best Regards

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