Is it possible to have a product not show in the shop page, but to show if you click on the category.
Please see the link in the private area, I want certain products to show if you click ‘Livefood Subscriptions’ but for those products not to show in the list of all products as they would appear as duplicates.
I hope this makes sense and is possible!
You can show only categories on your shop page. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Woocommere > Product catalog and set Shop page display to show categories only
Hi, I dont mind the related products coming up at base of the page, its the ‘posts’ thing, if you check the image in private you’ll see what I mean. It only comes up on product pages. Thanks
Please navigate to Appearance > Widgets > Single product page widget area and remove all widgets from there. If you want to remove the sidebar as well, you need to set the full width in the Theme Settings > Product page