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Wood Mart theme demo import minor issues

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  • #151258


    Hi, i just purchase your theme and imported demo data, but got a few minor issues:

    1) Menu issues
    In my case – https://prnt.sc/plag1d
    And how it should be – https://prnt.sc/plagfe

    2) Grid font size:
    In my case – https://prnt.sc/plafl9
    And how it should be – https://prnt.sc/plafqs

    3) No categories

    How to fix it ?



    And a few more things

    4) Pay Pal checkout



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    1) In your menu it seems you used custom code for top margin and for left and right margin. Just undo your custom code and changes. This will fix the issue.

    2) You can increase or decrease the title and price font size of product grid from “ADVANCED TYPOGRAPHY” option under Theme Settings >> TYPOGRAPHY as in the screenshot: https://jmp.sh/KpCCzeD

    3) You can display category in products grid by enabling the ” Show product category next to title “ from Theme Settings >> Shop >> PRODUCTS STYLES.

    4) As the paypal button image not shown in the cart. You are using “WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway” plugin. So this is not the theme issue you need to contact the plugin author.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, thanks for the reply

    1) I do not use any custom code at all. I just imported demo data and instantly got this menu issue.
    For the test, i made again a fresh and clean install on a new domain and even a new hosting (link in private content)



    Most Welcome,

    I have test your site. Actually the header displaying margin around the borders because you are using the “Header Sweets Bakery Overlap” as your default header. And this header is designed in this way.

    So if you do not want to show empty space around the header borders you can select any other header as your default.

    You can follow the below documentation to set a header as your default header:

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for your reply. Got a new question.
    I cant set blog post excerpt.
    Here is how its set

    And here is what i got
    (Pls check private content)

    In other words – I want to set automatic excerpt for all of my posts inside the blog.
    How to do that?




    And one more. How to remove the “hover” from the “home” button.
    By default, it should be black.



    Most Welcome,

    If you want to set automatic excerpt for all of your posts inside the blog. Then simply remain the “Posts excerpt” enabled and set the “Excerpt length” from the below option.

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/7vk7a7T

    If you do not want to display hover effect from the specific menu item “Home Sweets Bakery” you can define you custom CSS class in that menu item from Appearance>> Menus and set hover of the same color as black.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/a27n0Na

    Then go to Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global Custom CSS and used the below code:

    .noHover .nav-link-text:hover{

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for the reply.
    1) Posts excerpt
    Here are my settings

    And here is what I got

    As u can see for some reason – posts excerpt are different across all of the posts

    2) Hover effect

    I did what you advised

    , but the default state of the Home Sweets Bakery button is the same

    All i want is just to set it to default, like here at your web site






    Most Welcome,

    1) I have seen your attachments as in your case the excerpt length for blogs are not correctly shown accordingly.

    Could you please deactivate your third party plugins and then clear your site as well as browser cache and switched to the parent theme. This will surely fix the issue.

    2) If you want the actual color or default state in black then use the below CSS code in your Global Custom CSS are under theme settings:

    .noHover .nav-link-text{

    Best Regards.



    Well, i will try to explain it easier.

    Here is the link to your website

    Once you open it – the home button has a black color – exactly as it must be
    Once your hover it – it changes color to the pink

    That’s exactly what I want to get.

    According to the CSS files you recently sent:

    .noHover .nav-link-text:hover{

    It doesn’t fix it.

    .noHover .nav-link-text{
    Remove the hover at all.

    Pls take a look at the link



    I got your point that you want to display the menu item “HOME-SWEET-BAKERY” in black which is already shown in black and on hover you want to display its color as pink.

    Your problem is resolved now. I used the below CSS code in your Global Custom CSS area under theme settings:

    .noHover .nav-link-text{
    .noHover .nav-link-text:hover{

    Screenshot without hover: https://jmp.sh/DyHWtJE
    Screenshot with hover: https://jmp.sh/LQEjrKh

    Best Regards.



    Thank u very much. It helped.
    A few more questions

    1) How to rename “basket” to the “cart” ?

    2) The Map doesn’t load correctly. I’ve already set own API key

    3) How to set the “default” drop-down (list menu).
    Like this for example – https://prnt.sc/pt39pi
    instead of https://prnt.sc/pt396t



    Most Welcome,

    1) Could you please point out the word in your screenshot, which you want to change. Because I did not see any “Basket” word in your cart sidebar.

    2) We see that API is not activated yet and you got the following error ApiNotActivatedMapError. You can read more in Google official documentation here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#api-not-activated-map-error

    3) To set the “default” drop-down menu for blog and shop menu.
    You have to use the “Menu Shop” html block for shop and “Menu Blog” html block for the Blog option.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/8YiWZM3

    Best Regards.



    Hi, sure


    2) Thanks, will check it

    3) Wow, honestly surprised, cuz was sure its a really just default drop-down menu.
    Well, okay I got how to edit it, but the next question arises: how to center the drop-down menu.
    For the clarification:
    What I have: https://prnt.sc/pt9lk1
    What I want: https://prnt.sc/pt9lt0

    Many thanks



    1) You need to use Loco translate plugin to translate the “basket total” word to “Cart Totals”.

    This word will be translated from Loco Translate >> Plugins >> WooCommerce >> Search for your word and translate it.

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/FiI3QNY

    You can also follow the below video tutorial for Loco Translate: https://youtu.be/D3NsDdMzsls

    2) To center the drop down menu. You can use the standard WordPress menu because if you used html block with Wp-bakery it will be in the form of row and in your screenshot you just want a single column dropdown menu.

    You can check the example in the below screenshot: https://jmp.sh/OiLiMN4

    Best Regards.



    You can check the example in the below screenshot: https://jmp.sh/OiLiMN4

    Okay, but here is what i got in this case:



    Please go to Appearance >> Menu >> Edit the parent menu >> Select the Default Design for the menu then it will show find:


    Best Regards.



    Hi, i would like to add and edit product tabs

    Is it possible? If yes – how to do that ?




    Under Theme Settings > Product page > Tab – there is an option to add an additional tab.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/cegg4Ul

    In case if you want to add more tabs you will have to find a plugin for this purpose as our theme suggests one global tab in the Theme Settings and one local on the Product page.

    You can edit the product tabs by following the below article.

    Best Regards.



    OK, got it. Thanks
    This time I have a question probably about cookies or some kind of issues:

    Just added a new page and here is what I got

    Icons on all other web site pages look as it must be

    What could be the reason?




    And one more, general question, if u dont mind.

    1) What is the difference between child and “main” themes?
    2) Which theme should be activated?
    3) In case i have already activated the main theme and made all edits inside this theme – may i update it or I will lose all my edits?


    Most Welcome,

    I have seen your screenshot as the icons missing on that specific page. You need to make sure that you are using https not just only http in that page permalink.

    Also the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) must be the same from Settings >> General.

    1) Child theme is mostly used for customization purpose. So you can customize your theme and the changes will not lost after update.

    2) Child theme should be activated if you want to customize the theme.

    3) Yes, all the changes will be lost after update if you are using parent theme. But if you use child theme those changes will not lost after update.

    You don’t need to create child theme from scratch because we already made it for you (you have found in theme package downloaded from themeforest). Here is the link that demonstrate how it works: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/

    Best Regards.



    Hi, we almost finished the website design and I need your advice if u don’t mind. Can u pls let me know what is your hosting data plan ? Cuz recently we already tried 2 hosting providers and got a bad experience.

    Thanks in advance



    I suggest you to try “Bluehost”. They provide good services and their hosting plans are quite reasonable.

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for the reply.
    I just checked your demo webiste via https://gtmetrix.com/ and then imported demo data with no changes to the new domain and made the same test to compare results.

    Here is what i got:


    Why the difference is so big?



    Most Welcome,

    I have seen your both the screenshots which displaying the results of gtmetrix.

    In general, our theme is already optimized and don’t have too many resources to make your website slow. Most likely, your website performance suffers from the content you have added to your website. It may happen in case of too many plugins, large not optimized images or other resources. So we suggest you to remove unnecessary plugins, install some kind of JS & CSS optimizing plugins like Better WordPress Minify and caching plugin like WP Super Cache or use WP Rocket for both tasks.

    Also might be due to your hosting server the page speed suffers.

    Best Regards.



    Ok, I will try.

    Pls, let me know where/how to change this icon (check attachment) ?

    P.s. favicon I have already changed and it works well.
    Cookies and cache have already cleaned, but on safari mac, I still see this icon

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    This icon can be changed from Appearance >> Customize >> Site Identity >> Site Icon.

    Also you can upload your favicon from Theme Settings >> General >> Favicon image and Favicon retina image.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/NG87QHl

    Best Regards.

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