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quick show button is not showing on simple products

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  • #151836


    quick show button is not showing on simple products



    Please provide the site admin access to the private area I will check the settings.

    Best Regards



    and reviews also not showing on product page.

    i have added details in private section.



    Please disable all the blocking plugins and configurations for the while we check and solve the problem.

    Best Regards



    please give me your ip so that i can whitelist it.



    Sorry, I kept you waiting. Please do not duplicate the post I do my best to process asap.

    1. You have not enabled the swatches in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> chose the attribute -> Configure Items -> Edit -> Enable swatch I have done that to test.

    2. You have not uploaded images in Attributes -> chose the attribute -> Configure Items -> Edit -> “Image preview for this value” I have uploaded a sample image, enter each attribute item and change.

    3. You have set the color attribute to be shown on the product grid https://prnt.sc/pnoxy4 and you have not added the color attribute to any of the product https://prnt.sc/pnoy6w

    The grid can show one attribute only if the product does not have the attribute which is set to be shown on the grid, there will be not attributes.

    I have added the color to one of the products for testing it works https://gyazo.com/152b663d1a2649c03029babe3f68120c

    As for the Quick view Icon, I see it is not on the grid. Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme so that we could check. If you cannot deactivate the plugins, please confirm the permit to deactivate for 15 minutes while we check or move the clone of site to a staging area.

    Best Regards



    yes go ahead.


    P.S. Reviews

    Check the issue as soon as you disable all the plugins not related to the theme.



    i have deactivated all plugin. still issue is there.



    are you working on site currently ?


    Yes, I deactivated the plugins and investigating them. Now I see I need more time and your site is live, I have activated the plugins again.


    As for the revies they work on some of the products https://gyazo.com/8419abad72c284ca59d6877a910c5f85

    Have you customized anything in Wcoommerce or in the theme?



    no. i have not customized anything


    I am afraid we need much more time for checking can you move a clone of your site to a staging platform so that we could not keep the live site without plugins while we are working?




    gv me 20 to 25 min



    gv me 20 to 30 min


    what do you mean? I have disabled all the styles in the theme and I see you have enabled them again and set the quick view design.




    here is a backup website. you make changes on this,



    The quick view button has been hidden with Custom CSS https://gyazo.com/b9c61615fc30276ef70f31b478e2a95a

    Please remove this CSS from the Theme Settings > Custom CSS in your live site.

    Best Regards

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