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Translation of Wishlist page text

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  • #151963


    Hi there,

    Can you tell me how I translate the following which is found in Theme Settings > Shop > Wishlist:

    You don’t have any products in the wishlist yet. <br> You will find a lot of interesting products on our “Shop” page.

    This string does not appear in WPML or in Locotranslate. Thanks



    This string is translated right in the Theme Settings > Shop > Wishlist http://prntscr.com/pndozq

    Best Regards



    Hello – I tried this and it does not work. It then uses that language I enter for all of our country pages. So for example, if I change the translation to German and save it, only this German text will show up on our UK, French and German pages.



    Yes, you are right this string is missing. We shall add it to our nearest update.

    Best Regards



    Thank you. We wait for that.


    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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