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Product navigation on mobile

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  • #152701


    Hi, please tell me how I can:
    – completely disable product navigation on mobile
    – disable product naviagtion hover effects on mobile (when you tap navigation arrow you can see hovered image of next product for a moment which does not make any ence on mobile)

    P.S. just in case – I am writing about following function

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    To disable the product navigation from mobile completely you can use the below CSS code in Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global Custom CSS:

    .single-product .woodmart-products-nav{

    Desktop: https://jmp.sh/RyLmXp6
    Result in mobile: https://jmp.sh/j8iwoQu

    Best Regards.



    Thank you very much, the code works as expected.
    But can you please also provide solution to only disable product naviagtion hover effects on mobile.


    Most welcome,

    I’m glad that the code works for you.

    As you want to just disable the hover effect from nav in the mobile screens you can you can use the below CSS code in Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Custom CSS for mobile:

    .single-product .woodmart-products-nav .wrapper-short{

    Do not forget to undo the previously provided custom code.

    Best Regards.



    Works well. Thanks a lot.



    We are thrilled that you loved your experience with XTEMOS, We put customer experience and satisfaction as our priority, and your words reaffirms the hard work we put in every day. So thanks for your kind words and we look forward to seeing you again.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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