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Shop mobile menu confusing

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  • #156899


    Quite a lot of our customers have made us aware that the shop mobile menu in sidebar is confusing to use. Is there any way we can make it react similarly to the menu on this website?


    This menu style seems to be quite commonplace on a lot of e-commerce sites. We absolutely love youe theme but feel the menu system for larger stores is lacking. You do not offer any customisation for larger menu systems.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.



    It is the shop sidebar menu where we would like it to slideout to subcategory. So if you press anywhere on the parent category the menu slides over to reveal the subcategories and then the same again for any sub subcategories. If you could provide us with an answer to this we would be really thankful.

    https://www.batteriesandsolar.co.uk/shop (sidebar menu)



    Sorry but it requires customization to make a mobile menu same like https://www.adidas.co.uk/”.

    The product category widget shown already in this way that we click on the icon shown in parent category it will display the sub categories.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/qhA74y5

    Best Regard.



    Yes I know if you click on the icon it shows the sub categories but a lot of our customers have said it is quite confusing because they expect to press on the name of the category and for it to do the same but instead it takes you to that categories page.

    Do you have any suggestions of how we could stop that from happening?

    So when they press on the parent category it does not take them to that parent category page but instead opens the subcategories.

    Hope this makes sense? Can we expect any cusomisations for the shop sidebar to be added to the theme?



    Yes I got your point and it properly make sense. That you want if someone click on parent category name it will not open that specific category page, it opens the sub categories.

    Actually those product categories are displaying via “Product categories” widget and it is designed in this way that on the product category name link tag exist which takes us to product category page and on that icons on the right hand side toggle the sub categories.

    This widget is a part of WooCommerce. Our theme does not influence this. That’s why it is out of our scope. You need to hire an expert developer for this purpose to achieve what you want.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/jC0Ka7T

    Best Regards.

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