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Size Guide settings

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  • #158545



    I have the following questions about your Size Guide options:

    1) I would like to ask you if its possible to have a pdf document (with size guide details) opened directly when I click at the size guide option of a product. Currently when I click on the guide, a pop up window opens with the content of the size guide page (in which I have the pdf document as link). Instead of this, I wish to have directly the pdf document appeared (with download, print option e.t.c) while clicking on the Size Guide of the product (check my screenshots 1 to 3).

    2) As I saw at previous support tickets, your theme supports https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/ and not the version 5 of them right? The problem is that while clicking currently on an icon of the 4.7 version, I can’t see anymore the unicode of it because I get the notice “Font Awesome 4 is so 2017. Upgrade to version 5 and get twice the icons.” I am asking this because I wish to change the “\f438” content of current size guide icon with another fontawesome icon but I am not able to see the content of the 4.7 version icons in order to get the necessary content of them (check my screenshot font awesome error).

    Waiting for your further advice on the above.

    Kind Regards,

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    1. Do you want one and the same PDF for all the products?

    2. We can replace with custom CSS, navigate to https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/ and chose the icon you would like to have inside.

    Best Regards



    1) No, I would like to have 3 or 4 pdf docs as different size guides and have the option to add one of them at some of my shop’s products (maybe per shop’s product categories, I am not sure yet).

    2) I know how to change via custom CSS the icon, the problem is that I can’t see anymore the content of them at https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/. For example which is the content code for file-text or file-text-o icons?



    1. You can add an image (your PDF image) to the product short description and assign the custom URL leading to the PDF File https://gyazo.com/4a10bfabfdd4cebc61ae073a995b5e3d You will have to do it individually for each product.

    2. We shall take into consideration these changes. Meanwhile, tell me the icon title which you want to add https://prnt.sc/q1929i

    Best Regards



    1) I already know this way but it would be a little inconvenient & time consuming to add the pdf image (with link) at each one of my shop’products (as they will be for sure more than 500). Isn’t there a way to have an extra product field per my product categories to add there the size guide of the products included into it?

    2) The icon that I want to change is size guide (content: “\f438”) with file-text-o icon. Check my relevant screenshot.

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .wd-action-btn.wd-sizeguide-btn>a:before {
        content: "\f438";
        font-family: FontAwesome;

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your CSS snippet.

    Regarding my 1st question, do you maybe have any further recommendation?



    I have tried one more way to add:

    1. Upload your PDF into Media Library.

    2. Create the size guide as usually.

    3. Remove all the possible columns and rows in the table, one would leave https://prnt.sc/q1gk8s

    4. Insert the content you wish, I am not sure if PDF is supported just inside the content. You may have to convert into the text format https://prnt.sc/q1gllk

    Best Regards



    I tested it but PDF is not supported inside the content. Isn’t it possible someway to open directly a pdf page (https://www.giftsontop.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/daxtylidia-size-guide-test.pdf) while clicking on Size Guide of the product without the pop up window as a middle step?



    You will have to recreate the PDF content inside or make as a link to the PDF. Yes, PDF is not supported and our theme does not influence as the theme uses the default WordPress functionality.

    Best Regards




    1) Ok as I understand there is no way to avoid the pop up window while clicking on Size Guide of the products.

    2) I just saw that regarding my 2nd question, you sent me CSS snippet for current content (\f438) and not for file-text-o icon which I asked you. Could you check it again and tell me the content for this icon?



    You have provided the wrong code. Replace the custom CSS with this one:

    body .wd-action-btn.wd-sizeguide-btn>a:before {
        content: "\f0f6";
        font-family: FontAwesome;

    Best Regards



    Is it possible to see anywhere on Web the code of each FontAwesome icon from https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/?



    Now the site is broken. We believe it would be fixed soon. Meanwhile, you can see by means of inspector https://gyazo.com/c3d7bdeaee7fbb82be118d7950d727cf

    Best Regards



    Ok perfect! Thank you.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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