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if click to close a lightbox-image it will lead to tabs location in the page

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  • #164494


    Hi there!
    please help to check whether there is a bug or not.
    Event: in image gallery if I click to close an image on lightbox it leads to the tabs location in the page and i didn’t know why it was so, please help to check, thanks!

    listed 3 image galleries below which are problem with:
    Customers Show
    Cycle Show
    Product Categories

    Please go to the page and scroll down to these 3 iamge galleries to test and then advise me, thanks a lot!



    Putting a gallery into the tabs is a bad idea as there may by JS conflict. We cannot change that. You will have image grids inside the tabs.

    Best Ragards



    in that case do you have the alternative to putt more than one image in the tabs but only show one image in the a time?
    just like attached screenshot.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Unfortunately, it is not possible. You can insert the image grid into tabs.

    Best Regards



    hi, i have deleted the image gallery instead of it i put a image carousel in tab and then i found that it won’t cause a conflict if test by openning the page and straight scrolldown to those image galleries.
    But after i clicked one the other tabs and then test those image gallery again so there is a comflict problem still on.

    please i really need help to fix it, maybe you should have the solution, and it is unreasonable for we cannot use image carousel in tabs.



    Also, even i cannot put a image grid into tabs, i just tested so.
    it must a bug, please!



    Very depressed. even add i single image in the tab it caused the problem too.
    please advise what to do.



    Sorry, I have misunderstood the problem. When I checked the galleries I did not see that if one clicks to close an image on lightbox it leads to the location of the tab

    Customers Show – images are not clickable – https://gyazo.com/64684bbcfd43d77c8ddeb6219b31e200
    Cycle Show – lightbox works as it should – https://gyazo.com/8f48d7d9f86e9d5a806771f9bdd06087
    Product Categories – lightbox works as it should – https://gyazo.com/b0f8187b5ae05f83a91e3cb75bcef853

    Please deactivate the plugins not relate to the theme and switch to the parent theme if you use the child and provide your site admin access to check deeper.

    Best Regards



    Hi, my wordpress admin account write here in private content. please help me to check and feedback, thanks!



    Please switch to the parent theme, check the issue and provide the screen of the problem if any.

    Best Regards



    Hi, i have tested parent theme of woodmart, but the problem remains the same. wait for your solution, many thanks!



    I cannot now reach your site https://prnt.sc/qf8pme

    Please provide the screen of the video of the problem.

    Best Regards



    hello, sorry, i have changed my primary domain name.

    you can now check or watch a video, thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom JS area on document ready in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

    function removeHash() { 
        history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search);
    jQuery('.woodmart-gallery-item a').click(removeHash);


    Sure! It works now. Thanks a lot!

    may i ask another question here? due to changing my primary domain cause some urls and photos
    are damaged, though i used “better search and replace” plugin there is something still incorrectly loading or lost, for example, it lost product categories sidebar on the shop page.
    https://www.carbbre.com/shop/ so, could you advise me what to do?
    thank you and merry christmas!


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can hardly advise you in this situation. You need to check each element separately and see what is wrong with it. Maybe that plugin didn’t replace all URLs.

    Thank you! Marry Christmas!



    things all done, you can close this topic now. thanks!


    Artem Temos

    Great, contact us if you will have any questions.

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