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html block and pages files path

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  • #166199


    hello everdody
    can i know the path of the created html block files and all created pages then edit them with ftp tool



    WordPress does not create a new file in the file-system when you create a page from the backend. The data you enter into the backend is saved to the MySQL database where it is retrieved by various and sundry queries and displayed by code in one or more templates. There is no “directory location” for your individual pages, but the template files that control the page display can be found in Your_WP_Directory/wp-content/themes/Your_theme/page.php.

    This rule also applied on our theme html-blocks. Html Blocks content did not store in separate templates it just saved in the database.

    Best Regards.



    thx for the information
    cause i was using codeigniter platform …that is why i ask old professional’s wordpress developer


    Most Welcome,

    I think I already answered your question. If you want to customize the code via codeigniter then you have to hire a developer because our support does not cover additional customization it is out of our scope and we did not have such person to do these customization.

    Best Regards.

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