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Disable search on filters

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  • #166328


    Hi, we have created a site with woodmart that includes dropdown filters in the sidebar. When using the filters on mobile, tapping a dropdown defaults the cursor to a “search” box above the options and brings up the mobile keyboard, effectively hiding all of the options to filter. Is there any way to fix this, either by removing the search, or making the dropdown “pop up” on mobile?



    Try to configure the list mode instead of the drop-down in the filter and it would not call the keyboard. Even if you remove the search widget from the top, the filters which are below would be hidden.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    The list mode creates too long of a list in the sidebar, as there will be too many attribute terms for multiple filters to display at once.

    On mobile, the dropdown shows terms in a small windowed list that is visible and can be scrolled. But it is the search widget causing the issue with the keyboard popping up, and the list can’t even be scrolled. This effectively makes the filters unusable on mobile.

    If the search widget could be removed it would work well.

    Or if the cursor didn’t automatically go the search field after tapping the dropdown would be best.

    Or if the dropdown options could be configured to show in some type of pop-up on mobile, I’m not sure if this can be forced though.

    Have you tested on the link I sent to see what I mean?



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area.

    Make sure you are using Woodmart Wooocommerce layered Nav filters, not Woocommerce default.

    Best Regards




    We tried the steps, but the search bar on all filters remains. Access has been provided.



    Remove the widget from the Shop page widget area in Appearance > Widgets. You have provided the access, however, the user does not have admin rights and I cannot check anything as I cannot access the Dashboard.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Admin access has been granted.

    If the widget is removed, the filters will no longer work or be visible?



    Have a look at the screen: https://prnt.sc/qjx089

    You have Product Search – I have removed it.

    Next, you have a Woodmart filter and then you have several Woocommerce filters. Remove all the Woocommerce filters and add Woodmart filters.

    Best Regards



    Why did you remove the Product Search? We would like to keep that. It’s not a filter and doesn’t interfere with anything.

    The search box in the filter drop downs is the issue. Either way, we removed the woocommerce filters and kept the woodmart filter and the search in the filter drop down is still interfering making the woodmart theme filters unusable on mobile. Can you fix this?



    When you use Woodmart layered filters does not default the cursor to a “search” box above the options and does not bring up the mobile keyboard https://gyazo.com/569ed5cd87780913298629f02bd70057

    Please replace Woocoommerce filters with Woodmart and clarify the problem with the video screen.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    The woodmart filter is already active, but the search box appears above it. We have not modified the theme in any way. The issue with woodmart filters is this way by default. Please refer to the URL we already provided.

    This issue would unfortunately make the woodmart theme unusable on mobile, unless you can provide a fix.



    Please disable minified and combined JS in the Theme Settings > Performance https://prnt.sc/qkc3r3

    Then find the file woodmart/js/functions.js and replace this line minimumResultsForSearch: 5 for this one minimumResultsForSearch: -1

    Best Regards



    This has been done, but the search box is still visible.



    We are checking and we do not see the search https://prnt.sc/qkeul4

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    The screenshot appears to be edited. We have pulled up the site on multiple browsers and devices, and multiple mobile simulator sites to remotely test multiple mobile devices and the search box continues to show up on all of them.



    Please contact your host support and ask if they apply any cache and how to clean it. If you log in you will see it works correctly.

    Do not enable minified /combined JS as well.

    We have checked at our side it works correctly.

    Best Regards



    Thank you Elise, we contacted the web host and it was their local cache. The issue has been resolved.

    Thank you for your patience and persistence working on the issue.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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