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Hide menu mobile when I clic in item

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  • #171989


    Hello, I’m building a one page with sections, each menu item goes to section, on desktop is working fine, but in mobile when i clic on item the menu stay visible, i would like that when i clic on item menu this dissapear the menu.

    How can do I do?



    To make the menu items Go to the particular section and close the menu you need to Go to Appearance >> Menus >> Edit Mobile Menu.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/dua2oidlp6

    Then you need to Edit the Menu option you want to set the class as link. From Appearance >> Menus >> Edit Menu item >> Set One page anchor.

    Video for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/0c75eee1e2d46561af653f697ca085a1

    Best Regards.



    Hello thanks


    Most Welcome!!!.

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    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

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    Best Regards.

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