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Product Main Image Size

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  • #186415



    Is there a way to adjust the product main image size to be smaller besides the already set options in the theme?

    The problem is the width and height of the photo appear too big on the screen and a person needs to scroll to see the whole product image. So, the idea is to have the image fit in the screen at least.

    If I select the option ‘small image’ from the theme options, it will be too small and not look good. Now, I have selected the ‘medium image’ and it’s a little too big. https://prnt.sc/ry7nkg I want to be something between small image and medium, any idea how to achieve that?

    Providing a link to see what I’m talking about.



    I have visited your website and saw the screenshot you attached. Basically the product images are controlled by WooCommerce itself and our theme doesn’t influence this. There are only the layout set options available for the product image as you mentioned in the screenshot.

    WooCommerce provides some options for the image settings that you can access from Appearance >> Customize >> WooCommerce >> Product Images.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/RjNzrsb

    Best Regards.



    Thanks for the explanation!

    I noticed something strange also. I’ve bought license for two sites.

    The theme settings are exactly the same for both sites:

    Site width settings – https://prnt.sc/ryj898
    Product Images settings – https://prnt.sc/ryj8mi

    Yet on the second site, the image alignment is more stretched than the first site.

    What could be causing this?



    You are Most Welcome.

    I saw the screenshots you attached and compared the both product links you provided. And both product alignment is the same as each other. If you are trying to ask anything else then please elaborate in detail with some relevant screenshots pointing to the specific area to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.




    I’m talking that the product page is much more stretched on the second site compared to the first site, despite having set the same settings.

    first site – https://prnt.sc/rywtxl
    second site – https://prnt.sc/rywtk4



    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    It seems that for the second screenshot the width of the product page is set to full width from Theme Settings >> Product Page.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/g618ysC

    Please make sure that the width of both products are the same. Then Regenerate the CSS from WoodMart >> CSS Generator.

    Best Regards.

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