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Litespeed Cache Compatability

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  • #204590


    Do you know if the theme is compatible with LiteSpeed Cache?

    We are currently using LiteSpeed caching and are experiencing some issues, that appear to be theme related.

    For example each time an individual product page cache is purged, it triggers a full cache purge of the entire site.

    [Purge] Purge all ( Woodmart Child ) => LiteSpeed\Purge->_purge_all(( Woodmart Child ))@193 => LiteSpeed\Purge::purge_all(Woodmart Child)@167 => WP_Hook->apply_filters(,ARRAY)@289 => WP_Hook->do_action(ARRAY)@311

    I’m still investigating, but thought I would ask here as well incase you were aware of anything that might be related.



    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for contacting our support center.

    We don’t officially declare our theme to be fully compatible with Litespeed. But in general, it should work without any problems, and if there is something that we may help you with feel free to ask.

    We prefer using the WPRocket plugin as the best option for performance optimization.

    As for your error, it seems to be not related to our theme. Maybe you have some code in your child theme. Try to contact LiteSpeed support for help on this matter.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio

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