Hi i am using woodmart theme . and I have imported full first . and Than i have imported just Handmade version. but when i check these three things are not same imported . even font name styles of page are different .
`check my screen shot which i have shop page in my site https://scrapjournal.studio/shop/
and attachment have shop page . similar no vendor page . blog is difefrent etc
please i am sharing my wordpress login access kindly check the issue .
Thank you I have added Dokan plugin
but now issue is
i am attaching three images . i have written on them
1 -2 and 3
1 is from your demo link https://woodmart.xtemos.com/handmade/shop/
The header of shop page is different
When i hover on product its different from your demo link
these things i need exactly 100% simillar like your demo link https://woodmart.xtemos.com/handmade/shop/