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502 bad gatewey

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  • #213597


    Hello, there is an error 502 bad gateway.
    I tried to disable the various components but I don’t find the problem and it doesn’t seem to be the server.
    When I try to edit a page wpbakery opens the box but you do not see the content and soon after it appears 502
    Can you help me? I really don’t know how to solve
    PS if I try to write https://mensolecartongesso.it/license.txt I read the license for which the server responds but the site does not work.


    Artem Temos


    500 Internal Error is a generic error and says about some issue on the server and can be caused by different things. Anyway, to understand its nature you need to see your server error logs or enable PHP error display on the website. If you can’t do this, you need to contact your hosting provider for help in this question. Here is an article that may help you understand the error better http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-internal-server-error-in-wordpress/


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