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Ajax Products tab is not working properly

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  • #215153

    [email protected]

    Good evening sir,

    1. where to change the products name (ICE CREAM, FRUIT TEA etc…) name?

    2. if i click on any product name, same products are showing. How to filter or sort the products?

    i saw Ajax Products tab documentation and video, but not use (no clear understanding)



    You can edit the products in Dashboard > Products > chose the product, hover > press edit.

    In order to filter the product, you need to add filter widgets to the Shop page widget area in Appearance > Widgets. Please note you need to create and configure the attributes and add them to the product so that filter could sort our the products.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Hello sir/Madam,

    please look, i attached the image

    i can’t understated, please send video or explain in easy way

    thank you

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    Your site is under maintenance, I cannot tell you for sure. As far as I see these are Product AJAX tabs.

    Try to find this element and change the title https://gyazo.com/570273beb512074c63ef4e2f99811eba

    If it is not what is shown on the page, please provide your site admin access. I will check and suggest.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    hello sir,

    i got it, thank you


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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