I am facing 2 issues.
1. when i am adding any product to cart by clicking on “Add To Cart” A page is Loading to Add the product in cart. it should not load as it takes time and customer gets irritated. it should direct add product into cart without taking time. just like all the eCommerce websites.
2. Screen Short Is Attached. when i am adding any product to cart it is not showing any side notification and you can see i have already chose an action for after adding to cart but this option is not working it is only showing notification at the bottom of the website.
Please help
Note That: This problem occurs when i turned off “AJAX add to cart” Option. i had to do this because my Buy Now Plugin was not working with this option..
Have you enabled the option “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition” in Woocommerce > Settings > Products (General)?
If yes, deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.