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Moving button a bit left

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    I would like to know is there any possibility to move html block (in which I put MaxButton): https://prnt.sc/h6dk5j a bit to the left in menu? Check orange button: https://prnt.sc/h6djtv

    thank you


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    If you add this button using HTML Block then you are able to control the margin and padding of the column or row that contains this button with Visual Composer.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    I tried but its not possible to do it with visual composer. Can you please check? Thanks



    Also one more thing, Facebook and Google login forms cannot be seen on mobile. Why is that? Is it possible to add those two buttons with logins on mobile?


    Artem Temos

    But as we can see your button now is in the right side of the header and there is no place to move it right. Do you want to move it a bit left? Please, check how it works now.

    As for social login, it works correctly on mobile devices at the moment.



    I see ok. Yes now social logins are working. Can you tell me one more thing please, how to remove this gap from about us page? Check the image: https://prnt.sc/h7jfw9


    Artem Temos

    Try to add a negative margin for the first row on the page for example -40px.



    Yep that works. I’ve few more big issues. Can you please help me with that?

    1. How I can change background image on each product/shop page? Check my attachment (issue1.png): https://prnt.sc/h8taio

    2. Second issue is with custom added sidebar. I’ve added custom sidebar (widget) and added elements in widgets in it (first.png): https://prnt.sc/h8tbq6. After that, I’ve enable this sidebar in particular page (/tradeshows/shop-budget/) but the result is that two of those elements cannot be seen (second.png): https://prnt.sc/h8tcg2. You can see that Price Range (like on the Shop page) is not displayed at all. Why?

    3. Third and the most important issue is compatibility of your theme with Add to Quote Plugin (YITH). Basically, I want to display button after hovering on each product (https://prnt.sc/h8teqp). There are some unknown things that are shown like Custom Freight, Shipping Quotes Quantity, Discounts Custom Orders which needs to be removed so button can be placed right bellow Add to Cart button.

    Beside that, same button needs to be placed on product item: https://prnt.sc/h8tfli. Plugin has functionality to show button bellow Add to Cart but seems like something inside of theme stops him from doing this. Can you please check why this is not working? Thank you.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    1. You can customize your page title in Theme Settings -> Page heading.

    2. WooCommerce filters widgets can be applied to the shop page only. They don’t work on other regular pages.

    3. Yes, it seems that this plugin has some conflict with our theme styles so we will fix it in our next theme update.





    I appreciate your answers.

    1. Yes this is working for all pages EXCEPT Shop page. How do clear that background image from shop page?

    2. Is this not working part for woocommerce filters widget is only for your theme or general for wordpress? If it is just for this theme, why?

    3. I need this asap! Incompatibility is very bad for us as this is crucial functionality. Can you please help us to sort out this?



    Artem Temos

    1. Probably, the image is uploaded for the shop page in Dashboard -> Pages.

    3. OK, we can try to solve it on your website. But it may take a few days and we need your FTP access also.



    1. That’s true! It has been uploaded by default as Shop is default page.

    3. Sure, I’m sharing you my FTP access details in private field together with WP details (again). This is very important functionality for us, and the last one (I believe) that is not working.

    Thank you.


    Eric Watson


    We fixed this problem for you. Now it should work, please check.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio




    Seems like visual button is only working on single product item page but not on multiple product page its not here. Can you please check that and add product when someone hover on every product in product page. Something like it is here: https://prnt.sc/h9269m


    Artem Temos


    It seems that this plugin adds its button for simple products only. Try to check how it should work with default WordPress theme.




    Yes true. I’ve updated a plugin and now there are only one thing that is left… We have add to quote two times on single product page: https://prnt.sc/h94pz1 The one that needs to be removed is this little one, under Compare button. Can you please do just that? Thank you.


    Artem Temos

    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

    .compare-btn-wrapper .yith-ywraq-add-to-quote {


    Still, I have one more problem… When I try to refresh homepage, it keeps on showing me carousel grid for product categories instead of showing mansonry grid. Seems like something stucks. Can you please take a look at it? Also, when mansonry was working, it was showing blurred images of product categories instead of clear ones.

    Please help with this. Thanks.


    Artem Temos


    We see 1 column for product categories on your home page. Is it the problem you are talking about?



    Basically first part yes. That’s it. But even when we reduce size on 3 columns, images are still blurry. Is it possible to make them better resolution?


    Artem Temos

    If you want to make their resolution larger, then you need to increase shop catalog images sizes in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display.




    This works. Thanks


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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