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Issue with product element only displayign EN text

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  • #236086


    Hi there,

    I have a German website (front end language German, backend English) and have noticed an issue with the “Products Tab” – a WP Bakery element. When you click “load more” or navigate to a new tab, it displays the translated text in English rather than German.

    All text is translated in the plugins, but for sme reason when the element loads products or a new tab with Ajax, it is not calling the language files.

    I have created a video to show you. This is not an issue with another plugin on the website. It is specifically linked to this element we are using.

    I am using loco translate on this website, not WPML. One option is to trick the sytsem by falsely translating the English Loco language files to German.

    Video in private content below



    I watched the video you attached and visited your website and there are no product tabs added to the homepage.

    Please provide me with the URL of the page where the product tabs are added to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios.



    Hi Aizaz,

    Yes this is a testing site. Below I have added details so you can look.
    I have not given you admin access, as I would prefer not to due to data protection rules. Hopefully you can offer some advise from seeing issue front-end.

    Many thanks



    I have visited your website and load more buttons on the product tabs showing the translated products.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/xC5ND3B

    Please clear the cache and check back.

    Xtemos Studios.



    Thanks for looking. Couple points:

    1. The “loading” text (when youload more products) displays in English, even though it is translated via Loco (Woodmart string). Do you know how I make it appear in German?

    2. The tax and delivery text actually shows in English only when I am logged in. If I am not logged in it shows in German. Is that normal?

    Many thanks



    UPDATE – Seems the issue of text appearing in English (rather than German) is when I am logged in. If I am logged in the text (loading + tax and delivery options) are shown in English, which is strange. So it is taking the admin language for the front-end for some strings. Do you know why that is? If I am not logged in all is correct – all displays in German.

    Can you also just confirm the correct file location to save my Woodmart translations to (in Loco), so they are not deleted with updates (custom, system or author)? I have attached a screenshot with the 3 file location options.

    Thanks again.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please deactivate all the third-party plugins, activate the parent theme clear cache, and check back.

    If the problem continues then leave all the third-party plugins deactivated and provide admin panel login details to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hi there,

    Just reporting back on this. It is actually linked to the admin language and when I am logged in. If I change my admin language to German (and I am logged in), then the text all apears in German rather than English.

    Is that normal behaviour, that admin language is affecting strings in your theme which are loaded with Ajax? I have no cache enabled on the site.



    This is the default behaviour of the loco translate plugin that when you selected a particular language from the dashboard then the same language is shown on the front-end as well. That’s why it displays the german language when you logged in.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    Yes OK but it only affects the languages within your theme framework / elements. None of the rest of the site is affected. It is only where ajax is used to load or refresh elements where there is this issue (the slide out cart suffers from this aswell).

    So are you saying we canot fix this compatability issue with Loco Translate? I hope it should not be a big issue (as most of our customers should have the DE language admin), but it is not great having a langauge displaying front end whilst logged in, which should not be there.




    If you want to show the English language for Backend then please go to Users >> Edit the User which you are using for Administrator >> THen select the English Language for that user, in this way the backend shows the English language.

    For the frontend, go to Settings >> General >> Select the languages which you want to show on the frontend like German.

    If still you will find the issue, please share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and gives you the possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Hello Aizaz,

    Yes the front end language is set to German (in WP settings), but when loading elements with Ajax your theme strings are showing in English rather than German. Even error messages are in English rather than German.

    Please see again these 2 videos (in private content):

    If youre OK, I shall send you login details, but this is a production site so please be careful and do not make any code changes directly on this site.



    Yes, please share the WP admin login details of your staging site, I will only check the possible solution and give you the solution you can do it by yourself. I will not make any changes to your site.

    Best Regards.



    OK many thanks. I will send login details after lunch




    I ahve added credentials in the private information below. Thank you



    Your issue has been solved. This is your site cache issue, I have just go to the wp-content/ folder and remove the cache folder from your site.

    Also, please go to Loco >> Settings >> and add the Scan JavaScript files with extensions: js
    Please see the screenshot: http://prnt.sc/vela02

    Please check your site now in the Incognito browser.

    Best Regards.




    Thank you for looking at this but the issue is still the same when I look in 2 different browsers in incognito mode. I have attached 2 videos again in the private area to show you (Firefox incognito mode).

    Please do not remove the maintenance mode from the website. It is very important search engines do not access the site.



    It is the site cache issue, when you log out and see the website the translation is working fine, only after login into the WP admin the translation is not showing. Please see the video:

    Best Regards.



    Hello Aizaz,

    I explained that already to you.
    It is not a cache issue. It is 100% to do with the language of the admin user. If you change your admin language to German, you will see that these strings are in German when you are logged in (rather than English). That is not to do with cache.

    Kindly please do not remove the maintenance mode from the website.



    Hello Aizaz,

    As I said in my first message on this matter (if you cannot locate the problem), maybe one option is to trick the system by falsely translating the English Loco language files to German. So even if the English strings are used the text will display in German.

    If I do that, what location do I need to save the loco files to, so they are not deleted with plugin/theme updates? Please see image attached.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Yes, you should use the custom location, after that, you will not lose the translation after the theme update or plugin update in the future.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz,

    I notice you uploaded the Wp File Manger to my site. Can you let me know if you made any changes to any of the files?



    Also, do you agree the best method to sort this issue is to do my workaround? To trick the system by falsely replacing the English Loco language strings with German ones. Ive tested on the slide out cart, and it works (replacing the English strings with German ones).



    1. Yes, I have installed the WP File Manager but did not made any changes to the file just check the cache folder of the site.

    2. Yes, if the issue will be solved for you then you can use that trick.

    Best Regards.

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