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Wishlist and Compare do not function

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    I realized that both : wishlist and compare pages, are not loading, but instead last page from the history is loaded in their place. I can add items to both wishlist and to compare, but I cannot enter these pages to see what was added.

    I know that you will answer me to first switch off all plugins, and then to switch on one by one.
    ANd I tried to do it, but I stil could not make it working for me.

    Did you ever heard about such an issue ? I am giving you my personal data so you can enter the backend.



    I will not ask you to deactivate the plugins, but I ask you to check the credentials as I cannot log in: https://prnt.sc/vex67v 🙂

    Did they work earlier? Did they stop working? What did you change on your site before?

    Best Regards




    Try with this new pass added below.
    Yes it worked perfectly in the past.
    In the meantime I added so many new plugins, that it is hard now to judge when it stopped working for me.

    Maybe you will be able to debug it somehow.



    You have not set page for in the Theme Settings > Shop page > Wishlist https://prnt.sc/vfhyup

    I have set and it works now, please check.

    Best Regards



    Yes Indeed, it works perfectly.
    This page was set before. Must have been erased somehow.

    What about COMPARE ? Is it the same subject ?
    I cannot find where to setup this page either.



    The same for Compare https://prnt.sc/vfqszl You can set the page in the Theme Settings > Shop page > Compare.

    Best Regards



    Yes . I see.
    Thank you very myuch for your help.
    This topic is resolved.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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