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Theme demo data import issue

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  • #242267


    Please help us to import the demo theme content. There is some issue in elementor as well as with WP Bakery in demo importing (see the attachement). When we try to import the demo content, all the pages have no content so can you check and let us know that how can we solve this issue? It’s urgent so please try to solve this as soon as possible. Thank You!

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    Can you please send me the FTP login details as well so I will debug your site and solve the issue. Also, please make sure that you have set the theme minimum server requirements for the site:

    Best Regards.



    We have already set the theme minimum server requirement for the site and we have added the FTP login details in private content section. Please review and Let us know if you need any other access or anything else. Thank You!



    Can you please share the theme purchased code with me so I will reset the site and install the demo myself on your site?

    Best Regards.



    We share the Item Purchase code in this post, please review and let us know what was the problem occur and please try to solve this as soon as possible. Thank You!



    I have found that there is an issue with your server. There is any restriction on your server to run the AJAX on the site. Please ask your hosting provider to check and solve the issue on the site. http://prnt.sc/vlev8u

    Also, the max upload size limit is less than the required limit. Please ask them to increase the limit as well: http://prnt.sc/vlex0d

    Best Regards.



    We contacted with support, now no Ajax error has occur and data import successfully you can check the attached screenshot. Also we increase the upload media file size but nothing works. Still getting the blank pages with elementor errors, Please review. Thank You!

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    Artem Temos


    We see that mb_strtolower function is deactivated on your server. Since it is required for the Elementor plugin to work, you need to contact your hosting provider and ask to activate this function.

    Kind Regards



    Site is working fine now but i have an issue with the images of demo content. Demo content have the placeholder images while I’m expecting to have the same images as the demo shows, so can you add the demo images to the site?


    Artem Temos

    Demo images are not included with our theme’s dummy content. This information is stated on our theme’s description page on ThemeForest.

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