we are facing a small issue, while we managed to have prices listed with VAT, we need to display them also in our basket with VAT and on the final step (check out) to have a price brake down like woocomerce has (value under that VAT).
So far the check out page is OK
Catolog prices are ok
Basket Not ok 🙂
Any ideas how can we display prices inside the basket in the similar way as they are listed on the shop?
VAT and price are the functionality of Woocommerce we do not have instruction on how to configure that. Please check Woocommerce > Settings > General, Enable tax rates and calculations, and the Tax tab would appear.
these settings have been already activated but we wish the same price that is displayed to the shop to be displayed IN the basket without activating another option, after all we do not wish to display prices with VAT in the checkout and we want the customer to see the price brake down- this seems to be an “issue” on the theme that doesn’t add the price with the vat.